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MPAA has two recreational seasons, a spring and a fall. The spring season typically begins in early March and the fall in late August. General information in regards to divisions can be found below as well as in the rulebook. The age cutoff for each division is April 30th of each year. For fall seasons, players play up in the division they would in the spring season.
Tee Ball 4U: Ages 3 & 4 | Coach Pitch and Tee Hitting
Tee Ball 6U: Ages 5 & 6 | Coach Pitch and Tee Hitting
Pee Wee 8U: Ages 7 & 8 | Kid Pitch and Coach Pitch
All Leagues are Kid Pitch Only 10U and UP
Minor 10U: Ages 9-10
Major 12U: Ages 11-12
Pony 14U: Ages 13-14
Colt 19U: Ages 15-19