All Registrations are listed on our Sports Registration Page
Welcome to the home of Parkview Youth Football! We are very excited to have you join us & hope your kids enjoy being a Parkview Panther!
This is our new online home. We hope you find all the information you need to help navigate you through our football season. If you haven’t already created an account on the new website, please go ahead and do so. Your new account will store all your information and you’ll be able to log on and use at any time to register for any sport. It will also include team communications and all football-related information you’ll need this season.
We are the feeder program for the Parkview High School cluster. We are a non-profit organization that offers recreational football for youth ages 6 through 8th grade. Our mission is to teach the fundamentals of full-contact football while emphasizing team building, sportsmanship and positive attitudes for all players. Our program puts a major emphasis on the fun and enjoyment for all youth interested in playing and developing their athletic skills in football. We do that by making our children the #1 priority in all that we do! We want them to build long-lasting friendships as well as have some great memories along the way. We strive to build individual skills as well as skills to contribute to their team.
Registration for Football season is as follows: (check for exact dates on the main page)
Below are commonly asked questions and answers that have been sent to MPAA Football E-mail. We wanted to share the information so that your concerns are addressed before registration.
When are practices?
· Practices start two weeks prior to the start of the school year.
· Practices are five days a week for the first two weeks (until school starts). After that, practices are three days a week on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday nights until the end of the season.
· Practices are 2 hours long for the first two weeks & 1.5 hours long for the remaining of the season.
· If there are weather issues on a scheduled practice night, practice will be made up that Wednesday or Friday night depending on the park’s schedule.
When are games?
· Games are always held on Saturdays. It is a nine week regular season & teams usually receive eight games during that time.
· Playoffs are an additional four weeks and winners advance week to week.
· Times & locations will be posted on the schedule.
· The schedule will be sent from the GFL about a week prior to the first week’s game.
· Games start around the second week of August.
How long is the season?
· The season runs from the end of July till the middle of October for the regular season.
· Playoffs start in the middle of October & can go till the middle of November.
Where are games and practices held?
· Practices are held at Mountain Park for elementary & Parkview High School for middle school.
· Games are held at various parks in Gwinnett county. The Gwinnett Football League will give us a schedule with the parks where the games are held.
Are there admission fees to the games?
· Yes – The GFL requires admission for all students & adults. Seniors & children below school age are free.
When will I hear from my coach?
· Coaches will email or call once they are selected & the teams are set.
Is there a minimum playing time requirement?
· Yes. Depending on the size of your team, it will determine the amount of minimal playing time your player will receive.
What is the inclement weather policy?
· Football plays in the rain. When lighting is detected in the area of the park during practices, the director will make a decision to cancel practice or take cover & wait it out. If it’s during a game, the GFL will make the call. Most likely, the game will be delayed & still played.
What equipment do I need to play football?
· All players will need to purchase these items that are not provided in registration:
o White Helmet
o Facemask in a different color
o Mouthpiece that attaches to the facemask
o Shoulder pads
o Practice Jersey
o Practice Pants
o Girdle
o Cleats
Football equipment is costly, is there used equipment available?
· MPAA Football does not store or keep used equipment due to liability and space issues, however, you are encouraged to find and talk with other MPAA players and families and find equipment that they can no longer use and purchase or borrow from them.
With so many close-by associations and some coaches moving around to other associations, does it really matter where my child plays football?
· Your child would have a competitive advantage for Parkview High School in later years. The MPAA football program is aligned with the high school offense and defense, as are many other associations. It has been witnessed many times at the older levels and high school that MPAA players have a competitive edge for positions already knowing the system and drills from the 8th grade and up. The bottom line is we highly encourage children to sign up for their youth associations aligned with their high school they are going to attend.
I have more than one child wanting to play football, do I get a discount?
· Families who have multiple children participating in one or more sports through MPAA at the same registration time (for example: football/cheerleading, baseball/softball, boys and girls basketball), will be eligible to apply for a rebate of registration fees after the third paid registration fee.
· Starting with the fourth child, all subsequent registration fees will be eligible for a 50% discount in the form of a rebate. The discount will apply to the lowest registration fee for the family in descending order as to cost. Proof of residency and/or guardianship of the child will be required prior to receipt of the rebate for multi-family member registration fees. The multi-family rebate does not apply to out-of-county fees that may be assessed by Gwinnett County for non-resident participants. The Vice President of Administration will review all applications for rebates and submit them to the MPAA Board of Directors for approval.
Can I get a refund once I have registered?
No. The refund policy for the MPAA is that there are no registration refunds allowed in any sport or activity.